- Careers Beyond Academia
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- Careers Beyond Academia
CV To Resume Workshop
ZoomThis webinar will help you target common terms used in industry, non-profit and government jobs; basic resume structure and tips on highlighting your PhD skillsets to position YOU as the preferred job candidate. This webinar is open to all PhD students and postdocs. To Register For more events, please visit gradcareers.cornell.edu. Accessibility Requests We strive…
Engineering Luncheon: Entrepreneurship Networking
226 Weill Hall 237 Tower Road, Ithaca, NY, United StatesLooking for support to commercialize your technology? Cornell Engineering and the Entrepreneurs in Residence program offer connections to mentorship, funding opportunities, legal information, entrepreneurship programs, and other commercialization resources in Cornell’s robust entrepreneurial ecosystem. Open to Cornell Ph.D. candidates and postdocs in the College of Engineering only. Join us for this exclusive lunchtime discussion hosted…
Explore Careers Outside Academia
ZoomIn today’s day and age, more and more postdocs and graduate students are open to the idea of careers beyond academia. Have you ever wondered how to start this transition and what are some things you need to think about before taking action? In this session, we will talk about how to start exploring career…
Public Communication of Science panel (and workshop)
Kennedy Hall 105Save the dates and enroll now in COMM 5660 (1cr.) Bruce Lewenstein Dates and Times: Panel on Opportunities for Public Communication of Science March 14 @4:30-7pm (open to the public) Workshop continues March 15 & 16 @ 9-5pm (workshop participants only) Location: Kennedy 105 This weekend workshop trains researchers in the sciences (including natural sciences,…
Create an Employer-Ready LinkedIn Profile
341 Caldwell Hall 121 Reservoir Avenue, Ithaca, NY, United StatesWe’ll start with a short overview presentation with pro tips on how to use LinkedIn, some exercises to identify a good tagline, and a very interactive session where participants work on their own profiles and critique others’ –so you will need to bring your own computer. Handy tips will be shared among participants at the…
Create an Employer-Ready LinkedIn Profile
341 Caldwell Hall 121 Reservoir Avenue, Ithaca, NY, United StatesWe’ll start with a short overview presentation with pro tips on how to use LinkedIn, some exercises to identify a good tagline, and a very interactive session where participants work on their own profiles and critique others’ –so you will need to bring your own computer. Handy tips will be shared among participants at the…
Create an Employer-Ready LinkedIn Profile
341 Caldwell Hall 121 Reservoir Avenue, Ithaca, NY, United StatesWe’ll start with a short overview presentation with pro tips on how to use LinkedIn, some exercises to identify a good tagline, and a very interactive session where participants work on their own profiles and critique others’ –so you will need to bring your own computer. Handy tips will be shared among participants at the…