- Careers Beyond Academia
- Events
- Careers Beyond Academia
- No events scheduled for February 11, 2024.
- No events scheduled for February 14, 2024.
- No events scheduled for February 15, 2024.
Week of Events
Digital Agriculture Hackathon
Digital Agriculture Hackathon
Over the next few decades, a rising global population, increasing wealth, changing consumer demand and climate variation will put growing pressure on food systems. While global demand might be met through current agricultural practices in the short term, these strategies are unsustainable for the long term. Globally, agriculture demands a radical transformation. Open to ALL STUDENTS…
I&E Workshop: Developing Novel IP Within a Startup
I&E Workshop: Developing Novel IP Within a Startup
University researchers benefit from various technology licensing resources to protect their innovations, but startups face the challenge of safeguarding intellectual property (IP) developed outside of the university, through internal research and development. Join this free workshop to find out how to finance R&D, including through tokenizing the resultant IP assets, and how startup executives should…
Create an Employer-Ready LinkedIn Profile
Create an Employer-Ready LinkedIn Profile
We’ll start with a short overview presentation with pro tips on how to use LinkedIn, some exercises to identify a good tagline, and a very interactive session where participants work on their own profiles and critique others’ –so you will need to bring your own computer. Handy tips will be shared among participants at the…