- Careers Beyond Academia
- Events
- Careers Beyond Academia
- No events scheduled for September 15, 2024.
- No events scheduled for September 17, 2024.
- No events scheduled for September 20, 2024.
- No events scheduled for September 21, 2024.
Week of Events
Create an Employer-Ready LinkedIn Profile
Create an Employer-Ready LinkedIn Profile
We’ll start with a short overview presentation with pro tips on how to use LinkedIn, some exercises to identify a good tagline, and a very interactive session where participants work on their own profiles and critique others’ –so you will need to bring your own computer. Handy tips will be shared among participants at the…
BD Technology Leadership Development Program (TLDP) online info session
BD Technology Leadership Development Program (TLDP) online info session
Are you considering a transition to the medtech industry? Doctoral alumnus Rob Swanda PhD'21 is working with Careers Beyond Academia to help you pinpoint next steps to set yourself apart as a candidate. These info sessions are for you to learn about BD's Technology Leadership Development Program (TLDP) and get insider interview and resume tips!…
Vaccination Conversations with Scientists (VaCS)
Vaccination Conversations with Scientists (VaCS)
VaCS connects scientists with community members to engage in conversations with people in the Ithaca and surrounding communities about the COVID-19 vaccine and other critical vaccinations. It began in 2021 as a grad student-led initiative as part of ASAP, and is now transitioning to become a non-profit organization. Traditional public health messaging alone is insufficient…