UDIP registration
UDIP is a recognized leader in addressing issues impacting academic-corporate collaboration, providing a unique forum for our member representatives to find better ways to partner. Cornell is a member of UIDP and all Cornell staff can take advantage of the membership. If you’d like to register for UDIP webinar/event, please see the instructions below:
OPTION 1: Registering for the webinar and connecting to UIDP
Go straight to the webinar you want to attend (UIDP Events Calendar), click “register” and then select “Not a registered UIDP member?“. Fill in the registration information and by doing so you’ll then be added to our member-listserv and will begin receiving updates to get as involved as you’d like to be. Here is a screen-shot of where they can register as a Cornell Member from the registration page:
OPTION 2: Register as a Cornell-UIDP Member representative
You can to this two-step process to register as a Cornell-UIDP member representative, these steps include:
- Creating a personal login (here) to access and use the MEMBERS-ONLY AREA (a library of best-practices, meeting reports, recorded webinars, and other collaboration tools).
- Signing up to receive member-news about upcoming activities (listserv sign-up)