Apply by Feb. 10 for AAAS CASE Workshop & Advocacy Day

The CASE (Catalyzing Advocacy in Science and Engineering) workshop is an exciting opportunity to learn from science policy and advocacy experts about the role of science in policymaking and the federal policy-making process. It empowers participants with ways to become a voice for research throughout their careers. Get the most recent updates by following on Twitter @AAAS_GR (#MakingOurCASE). During the workshop, students learn about the structure and organization of Congress, the federal budget and appropriations processes, and tools for effective science communication and civic engagement. In addition, students participate in interactive seminars about policymaking and communication. Read about the experiences of previous CASE attendees on this page.
CASE Founding Organizations
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
American Institute of Physics
Association of American Universities
Association of Public and Land-grant Universities
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
University of Colorado-Boulder
Attention Domestic Doctoral Students,
On behalf of the Graduate School and the Cornell Office of Federal Relations, I invite applications for the upcoming AAAS CASE Workshop (STEM and Social Science Doctoral Students Only) and the Cornell Doctoral Student Advocacy Day (open to all disciplines). These events will take place in Washington D.C. and will include meetings with members of Congress and Congressional Staff. Please apply to the appropriate opportunity only if you would be fully committed to participating in these activities if selected, and are able to travel on the dates listed below.
In preparation for Advocacy Day, representatives from the Cornell Office of Federal Relations will host a virtual training on March 15 from 4-5pm on Zoom to prepare participants for their Congressional meetings. Applications for both opportunities must be submitted by February 10. Selection decisions will be released by the end of February.
Warm Regards,
Apply now
AAAS CASE Workshop & Cornell Advocacy Day (Open only to STEM and Social Science voting eligible, domestic doctoral students)
Cornell Advocacy Day (Open to voting eligible, domestic doctoral students across all fields)
Cornell Graduate Student Advocacy Day
Application Due Date: February 10
On-campus Training: March 15 from 4-5pm
Cornell Advocacy Day Date: March 29
Travel Dates: March 28 & 29
Access the online Advocacy Day application.
This exciting opportunity is designed for voting-eligible, domestic doctoral students across all graduate fields who want to learn more about public policy.
On March 29, Cornell doctoral students selected to participate in the Cornell Advocacy Day will join Cornell STEM and Social Science doctoral students already in D.C. for a science policy workshop, to conduct meetings with elected Members of Congress and congressional staff. These meetings will be organized by representatives from the Cornell Office of Federal Relations. In preparation for Advocacy Day, there will be an on-campus training on March 15 from 4-5pm on Zoom led by representatives from the Cornell Office of Federal Relations to prepare participants for their Advocacy Day activities.
Because we may only select a limited number of students to participate in this opportunity, please do not submit an application unless you can make yourself available to travel to Washington D.C. on March 28 and back on March 29 and fully participate in the program.
Should you have any questions, please contact Associate Dean Sara Xayarath Hernández at
2023 AAAS Catalyzing Advocacy in Science and Engineering (CASE) Workshop & Cornell Advocacy Day
Application Due Date: February 10
On-campus Training: March 15 from 4-5pm
Workshop Dates: March 26-29
Cornell Advocacy Day Date: March 29
Travel Dates: March 26 & 29
Access the online AAAS CASE application.
The AAAS CASE Workshop is open to voting-eligible, domestic doctoral students in STEM and social science graduate fields with limited prior experience and knowledge of science policy and advocacy who want to learn more about science policy.
The program is organized to educate STEM and Social Science graduate students who are interested in learning about the role of science in policy-making, to introduce them to the federal policy-making process and to empower them with ways to become a voice for basic research throughout their careers. Participants will learn about the structure and organization of Congress, the federal budget and appropriations processes, and tools for effective science communication and civil engagement. In addition, students will participate in interactive seminars about policy-making and communication.
On March 29, Cornell students participating in CASE will join other Cornell doctoral students to engage in meetings with elected Members of Congress and congressional staff. These meetings will be organized by representatives from the Cornell Office of Federal Relations. In preparation for Advocacy Day, there will be an on-campus training on March 15 from 4-5pm on Zoom led by representatives from the Cornell Office of Federal Relations to prepare participants for their Advocacy Day activities.
Support for participation in the CASE Workshop comes from the Graduate School and the Cornell Office of Federal Relations. Consideration will be given to all domestic, voting-eligible doctoral students in the STEM and social science graduate fields.
Because we may only select up to three doctoral students to participate in the CASE Workshop, please do not submit an application unless you can make yourself available to travel to Washington D.C. on March 26 and back on March 29 and fully participate in the program.
Should you have any questions about this opportunity, please contact Associate Dean Sara Xayarath Hernández at