ARPA-E Student Program


The U.S. Department of Energy’s Advanced Research Project Agency – Energy (ARPA-E), invites graduate-level students to participate in the Student Program at the 2023 ARPA-E Energy Innovation Summit. The Summit will be held March 22-24, 2023, in National Harbor, MD, just outside of Washington, DC.
The Summit convenes leaders from academia, business, and government to discuss cutting-edge energy technologies, facilitate relationships to move technologies to market, and showcase innovations that solve current and future national energy challenges.

Graduate-level students interested in energy and innovation are invited to apply to the Summit’s Student Program. The Student Program features student-focused panels and breakout sessions, networking events, and the opportunity for students to have their resumes included in a digital book that will be distributed to all companies attending the Summit. All accepted students receive complimentary conference registration and will be able to attend main Summit programming in addition to the Student Program. Learn more about the Student Program and view application details. The application deadline is January 6, 2023.

Students accepted to the Student Program will be invited to apply to the second annual Proposing Ideas for Technologies that Can Harness Energy Sustainably (PITCHES) session. PITCHES is a unique opportunity for students to showcase their innovative and novel energy ideas in a semi-formal setting. Selected students will present a five-minute pitch to an audience of their peers as well as a panel of industry representatives, who will provide feedback and ask questions. The deadline to apply to PITCHES will be February 15, 2023. More information about PITCHES can be found at the bottom of this page.