Expanding Your Horizons (EYH)
Expanding Your Horizons (EYH) is a one-day conference for 7th-10th graders designed to stimulate participants’ interest in math and science through hands-on activities, provide woman scientists and scientists of other underrepresented identities as role models, and foster awareness of opportunities in math and science-related careers. EYH at Cornell is searching for volunteers for the 2024 conference on April 6th (the second Saturday of spring break).
All Cornell postdocs, graduate and undergraduate students interested in joining the EYH team as a volunteer on conference day are welcome! For more information on volunteering or EYH in general, please visit this website or email a volunteer recruitment chair Caralyn Gonzales or Danielle Markovich at CornellEYHvolunteers@gmail.com.
To register as a volunteer, fill out this form to be contacted for more information!