Researcher’s Toolkit Immersion Program

The Cornell University Library is excited to again offer Cornell science grad students an opportunity to participate in the Researcher’s Toolkit, a science immersion program for maximizing your success as a scholar. This popular annual program is now in its fifth year and will be held online during the Spring 2021 semester.
Register online. Applications are due January 29, and enrollment is limited, so please apply as soon as you can.
Each week, participants will learn from experts about a specialized research and presentation topic, followed by break out room sections offering an opportunity to discuss that week’s topic with small groups of other graduate students in the program. The twelve week program is scheduled for Tuesdays from 1:30-2:30 from February 9 through May 11.
Topics are likely to include:
- Advanced search strategies & literature reviews
- Publishing & your rights as an author
- Data management & visualization
- Creating your online research presence & measuring your research impact
- Careers for scientists outside academia
- And much more!
For more information on past programs & presenters, please see the online guide.
If you have any questions, please send a message to