Communication Workshop
September 20, 2019 @ 12:00 am - September 22, 2019 @ 11:59 pm
- This event has passed.
This weekend workshop trains researchers in the sciences (including natural sciences, engineering, experimental social sciences, etc.) to communicate effectively with nonscientists such as policy makers, political stakeholders, the media, and the general public. Training activities may include role-play, mini lectures, reading/discussion, hands-on writing blog posts and other outreach materials, real-time practice being interviewed for the media, and discussion with invited speakers. You can see a few tweets from previous workshops here.
- You will be aware of multiple opportunities for communicating with public audiences.
- You will be able to use multiple skills used in communicating with public audiences.
- You will have acquired basic tools for writing and speaking for public audiences.
Friday panel (described below) is open to the public; Saturday and Sunday all day is for enrollees only. You will get practice. Plenty of practice. Saturday will involve writing for the public through press releases and blogs, and Sunday is devoted to constructing a message and delivering it in a broadcast media interview. Throughout the weekend, you will meet other professionals, learning from their experience.
To get credit for the class you must attend all sessions. Please contact bvl2 to register for the last slots available, even though registration through Student Center has closed.
To prepare: Come with a brief (100-200 word) written summary of your own research. You will use this summary as the basis for class activities. If you are interested in science blogging, set up your own blog site in advance (Google’s Blogger service, http://www.blogger.com/home, is pretty simple to use, but you’re welcome to try another service if you prefer; WordPress, https://wordpress.com/, is also useful if you want a full website). You will need a computer or tablet (probably with a keyboard), as you will be looking at things online and writing during the workshop.
Opportunities for Public Communication of Science panel discussion
Friday 4:30-7:30pm-this session is open to the public and will feature panelists:
Elodie Smith, Communications Specialist, Cornell Institute of Biotechnology
Juan Hinestroza, Associate Professor, Fiber Science and Apparel Design
Kacey Deamer, Communications Specialist, Cornell Small Farms Program
Luisa Torres, Postdoctoral Associate, Vet School, 2019 AAAS Mass Media Fellow (at NPR)
Held in Plant Sciences 143, includes pizza and veggies
Supported by Engaged Cornell and Careers Beyond Academia/BEST and organized by Bruce Lewenstein, Professor of Science Communication.