Careers in…Museums, Non-Profits, Libraries

We’d like to share some tips and takeaways from these panelists on careers in museums, non-profits, and libraries at the Pathways to Success Symposium.
Moderator: Denise DiRienzo, Ed.D. – Experiential Program Director, Careers Beyond Academia/BEST
Anke Wessels, Ph.D. – Executive Director of Center for Transformative Action
Christian Miller, Ph.D. – Research Librarian at Catherwood Library, Cornell University
Susanne Bruyere, Ph.D. – Director, K. Lisa Yang and Hock E. Tan Institute on Employment and Disability; Professor of Disability Studies, Yang-Tan Institute on Employment and Disability, Cornell University
Kate Addleman-Frankel, – Gary and Ellen Davis Curator of Photography; Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art, Cornell University
- You need to find things/areas you are passionate about/in and listen to your heart. Sometimes desperation can help you identify your passions. Be open to the unexpected expressions of your profession.
- You have more skills than you thought you do. Connect with your community and seek community based and experiential learning opportunities, and build your networks.
- Remember that you cannot solve all problems. Failures and disappointments can teach you something that will help you in your next task. Barriers and obstacles sometimes can refine your skills.
- You are the expert in your field but also go interdisciplinary.
- When it comes to considering career opportunities outside of academia, you need to let go the expectations of staying in academia that you have or others have for yourself.
- If you want to go into certain fields, talk to the people from that field and immerse yourself in it and learn to speak their language.
- Successful careers are a combination of finding your passion, acquiring the tools and serendipity.
See other tips on careers leveraging communication skills and why you should communicate your research to all audiences.