NYAS Career Path Series: Intellectual Property & Patent Law
March 8, 2023 @ 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
- This event has passed.

Patent Law is a growing career opportunity for scientists to transition into after obtaining their PhD or after a postdoctoral fellowship and continue to learn the cutting-edge research being developed. As scientific research progresses, the need for scientific input is critical to developing patent applications and supporting the intellectual property needs of scientific organizations and individuals. For graduate or postdoctoral fellows interested in this line of work, a critical understanding of the scientific impact is needed to assess the intellectual merit to pursue a patent. In this webinar, you will learn how other researchers and scientists have transitioned into the patent law and intellectual property space.
Brought to you by the NY Academy of Sciences
Join the next Career Path Series on March 8 from 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM EST. This session, like all of the Career Path series, is FREE to Academy members. Cornell membership is accessible to all grad students and postdocs. (Free memberships for Cornell graduate students and postdocs.)
During this panel you will hear about:
- Opportunities for individuals to understand how to transition into the role of intellectual property and patent law
- What kind of skills to highlight to be a suitable candidate for such positions
- What kind of growth opportunities exist in such a career
- How to transition to being a patent lawyer
The event will be followed by a virtual networking opportunity with the panelists at 6:30 PM.
If you have specific questions you would like the panelists to address during the discussion – please email siyer@nyas.org to incorporate them into this conversation.