Silicon Valley Trek
Silicon Valley Entrepreneurship Trek for Cornell PhDs interested in careers in innovation and entrepreneurship The objective of the trek is to expose PhDs to various companies and organizations that contribute to a vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystem, including university spinouts, incubators/accelerators, venture capitalists, and large innovative firms. The trek also helps PhDs learn about a variety of…
NSF Internship funding
If you have an NSF GRF, you are eligible for internship funding. The deadline is December 4!
How to Submit Grants at Cornell – A Primer
102 Mann Library 237 Mann Drive, Ithaca, NY, United StatesThis workshop, presented by Kim Holloway of the Office of Sponsored Programs, will help postdocs and advanced graduate students learn how to submit grant proposals at Cornell and how to apply for NIH Career Development Awards (K Awards). This is a brown bag event – bring your lunch and join us. We’ll provide drinks and…
ComSciCon-NY 2019
ComSciCon-NY is a science communication workshop engaging attendees with science communication experts. STEM graduate students and post-doctoral researchers from universities based in New York (e.g. Cornell, Binghamton, Syracuse, Rochester, etc.) are invited to apply. This year's theme is: Public Engagement The event takes place August 2nd and 3rd in Ithaca, NY Participation is by application only…
Creating an Employer-Ready LinkedIn Profile
BTI 215 Tower RoadWe'll start with a short overview presentation with pro tips on how to use LinkedIn, some exercises to identify a good tagline, and a very interactive session where participants work on their own profiles and critique others’ --so you will need to bring your own computer. We plan to send out some handy tips to…
BBS Symposium
Stocking HallThe 18th Annual Biological and Biomedical Sciences Symposium brings together researchers from a myriad of departments and fields to celebrate and learn. With a high profile keynote speaker; faculty, postdoc, and student talks; a poster session; and four breakout sessions, this is an event not to miss! The breakout sessions will be focused on: exposing…
Professional photographs
Biotechnology Building, G01 Ithaca, NY, United StatesCareers in Academia / BEST is bringing back award winning portraitist Roger William Theise to take a professional headshot so you can look your best for your LinkedIn profile, and more. Dress professionally and be prepared to arrive 10 minutes early for your appointment. One reminder will be sent the Monday before confirming your time slot.…
Science On Tap
Divya Shiroor, DVM & PhD Candidate in Biomedical & Biological Sciences Dr. Luisa Torres, PhD in Microbiology and Immunology Designed to appeal to all audiences Science on Tap aims to connect the Ithaca community with scientists in an authentic seminar setting. Come engage with physical, natural and social scientists on topics surrounding the latest and greatest…
Careers Beyond Academia Humanities Round Table Discussion
Zoom NY, United StatesExplore ways that Careers Beyond Academia can help PhD students and postdocs in the humanities identify career options in non-profits, industry and government organizations. Please come with questions and share your career needs.
Creating an Employer-Ready LinkedIn Profile
250 Caldwell Hall 121 Reservoir Avenue, Ithaca, NY, United StatesWe’ll start with a short overview presentation with pro tips on how to use LinkedIn, some exercises to identify a good tagline, and a very interactive session where participants work on their own profiles and critique others’ –so you will need to bring your own computer. We plan to send out some handy tips to…
eShip Kickoff!
eHub Collegetown 409 College Ave, IthacaThis Entrepreneurship@Cornell Kickoff event is free and open to all. It will feature eLab students, commercialization fellows and 20 information booths, including Careers Beyond Academia/BEST. Free food and t-shirts. Come learn about the entrepreneurial ecosystem and rub shoulders with seasoned entrepreneurs, mentors and others. Schedule of events indulge and Start-up Showcase, eShip Programs Meet &…
Careers Beyond Academia/BEST Roundtable Discussion
3308 Martha Van Rensselaer Hall Cornell University, Ithaca, United StatesDiscussion of what services Careers Beyond Academia/BEST offers for PhD and postdoc students and how we can help explore opportunities.
ASAP Networking event
First networking event of the semester at the Bickering Twins. Learn about what areas of science and policy other members are interested in, learn about ASAP semester plans, and consider joining the organization. Food provided (chips and salsa/guacamole) You will be able to purchase your own alcoholic and non alcoholic drinks. About Advancing Science And…
A Job Interviewing Workshop
116 Upson Hall 124 Hoy Rd., Ithaca, NYCareers Beyond Academia will present an overview and tips on interviewing for jobs in industry, government and non-profits. This workshop is for PhD students and postdocs from all STEM fields. The workshop is being hosted by SiGMA (the Graduate Student Organization in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering) and Careers Beyond Academia/BEST.
Industry Recruiting Information Session for Doctoral Students and Postdocs
Hollister Hall – McManus Lounge, room 166 527 College Avenue, Ithaca, NY, United StatesMeet with P&G Doctoral Recruiting for a fireside chat with Henrique Aveiro about technical careers in industry. Refreshments provided. All fields are welcome, but specific fields of interest include Life Science (Micro, Biochemistry, Toxicology), Data Science, and IT. Do you have these qualities? Analytical Helpful Courageous Leadership Entrepreneurial Trustworthy Procter & Gamble is looking for…
Global Biotechnology Policies and the Role of Scientists
100 Mann Library 237 Mann Drive, Ithaca, NY, United StatesA talk with Pablo Orozco, Legal Affairs Fellow at the Alliance for Science. Come learn about the Alliance, a non-profit housed right here at Cornell that is doing incredible work supporting the use of scientific research to solve pressing issues in food security, agriculture and climate change. Pablo will discuss global policies impacting the use…
Information Session about P&G Careers
206 Hollister Hall 167 College Ave., Ithaca, NY, United StatesMeet with P&G to learn about technical careers in industry. Open to undergrads, graduate students and postdocs. All fields are welcome, but specific fields of interest include Life Science (Micro, Biochemistry, Toxicology), Data Science, and IT. Refreshments provided. If you have these qualities Analytical Helpful Courageous Leadership Entrepreneurial Trustworthy Procter & Gamble is looking for…
Networking at Rev
Rev: Ithaca Startup Works, 314 E State St, Ithaca 314 E State St, Ithaca, NYJoin this community event to meet with entrepreneurs, both new and established. Immerse yourself in an evening of entrepreneurial ideas, if you seek social impact and want to make the world a better place. Grad students and postdocs in all disciplines are welcome. Networking @Rev: Fast Pitches and Fresh Faces This event will kick-off the…
Communication Workshop
Plant Sciences 143This weekend workshop trains researchers in the sciences (including natural sciences, engineering, experimental social sciences, etc.) to communicate effectively with nonscientists such as policy makers, political stakeholders, the media, and the general public. Training activities may include role-play, mini lectures, reading/discussion, hands-on writing blog posts and other outreach materials, real-time practice being interviewed for the…
Opportunities for Public Communication of Science
143 Plant Science 236 Tower Rd., Ithaca, NYAll are welcome to attend this panel discussion event for the Science Communication Workshop-COMM 5660* Featuring: Elodie Smith, Communications Specialist, Cornell Institute of Biotechnology Juan Hinestroza, Associate Professor, Fiber Sciences Kacey Deamer, Communications Specialist, Cornell Small Farms Program Luisa Torres, Proposal Development Consultant, InteliSpark, 2019 AAAS Mass Media Fellow (at NPR) Open to the public…
ASAP Science Policy Work Session (2020 Election Initiative)
104 Olin Library 161 Ho Plaza, Ithaca, NYAs part of the NSPN 2020 Election Initiative, we'll work in groups to compile meta-reviews on different science policy topics, which will serve as easy references for candidates and laypersons interested in different science policy issues. Potential topics include: climate change/clean energy, gene editing, regulating emerging technologies, and disinformation in science. Dinner provided. Please use…
CV to Resume
703 Olin Library 161 Ho Plaza, Ithaca, NYPlease join us for this hands-on workshop. Bring your CV and questions with you. The workshop will focus on basics, key words and topics that highlight your PhD skillsets for careers in industry, non-profit or government. This workshop will focus on Humanities, Arts and Social Science PhD students and Postdocs. The workshop will be presented…
Recruiter shares “Why we need people in STEM”
Join this New York Academy of Life Sciences webinar to learn from a recruiter's perspective on why they feel they need people in STEM. Presented by PepsiCo and the Science Alliance. Cornell has an institutional membership to NYAS to help graduate students and postdocs prepare for successful careers since you will need increasingly diverse skill…
Sustainable Global Enterprise Immersion Program
141 Sage Hall NY, United StatesThe SGE Immersion Program in the Johnson School within the College of Business is now accepting applications from non-Johnson graduate students from any Cornell school/college/program through Friday, October 11th. Launched in 2006, the SGE Immersion program provides Cornell graduate students the opportunity to work in multidisciplinary teams on a project with companies and other organizations…
Creating an Employer-Ready LinkedIn Profile
250 Caldwell Hall 121 Reservoir Avenue, Ithaca, NY, United StatesWe’ll start with a short overview presentation with pro tips on how to use LinkedIn, some exercises to identify a good tagline, and a very interactive session where participants work on their own profiles and critique others’ –so you will need to bring your own computer. We plan to send out some handy tips to…
UNY I-Corps Short Course
Interested in exploring the market potential of your work and learning entrepreneurial skills? Attend one of the many free, 2-week I-Corps short courses New York has to offer this fall! The course, designed for STEM field researchers and student entrepreneurs, aims to educate participants on how to solve real-world problems with sizeable market opportunities. The…
On (Not Quite) Leaving Academia: Navigating a Post-PhD Professional Life
Goldwin Smith Hall – English Lounge 232 East Avenue, Ithaca, NY, United StatesDr. Colesworthy will speak to graduate students in the humanities about how she navigated her career beyond the PhD. She will describe her employment history and work experiences in the nonprofit sector to help students envision the non-linear career path PhDs often follow. In addition to sharing her career trajectory, Dr. Colesworthy will: speak about…
Sustainable Global Enterprise Immersion
153 MVR NY, United StatesThe SGE Immersion Program in the Johnson School within the College of Business is now accepting applications from non-Johnson graduate students from any Cornell school/college/program through Friday, October 11th. Launched in 2006, the SGE Immersion program provides Cornell graduate students the opportunity to work in multidisciplinary teams on a project with companies and other organizations…