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  2. Events
  3. Future Faculty and Academic Careers


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NYAS Webinar: Insights on Effective Lab Management (panel)


 (Do You Have the Skills to Run Your Own Lab Effectively? Since lab management training is not explicitly taught in the graduate curriculum, scientists often face the challenge of running their own lab. They must manage staff, develop and manage projects and track budgets. This panel will provide you with crucial insights on: How lab…

Winter Pathways to Success Symposium

Biotechnology Building, Room G10 526 Campus Road, Ithaca, NY, United States

This one-day event is a professional development opportunity for doctoral, professional degree, and research master’s students and postdoctoral scholars that will provide participants with information and tools useful for their time at Cornell and beyond.

NextGen Professors: December Cohort Meeting

102 Mann Library 237 Mann Drive, Ithaca, NY, United States

This is an invitation-only event for applicants who have been selected to participate in this year’s NextGen Professors cohort. NextGen Professors is a career-development program focused on preparing Cornell doctoral students and postdocs for faculty careers across institutional types. The primary audience for this program is doctoral students (in year 3 or beyond) and postdocs…

Academic Job Search Discussion

102 Mann Library 237 Mann Drive, Ithaca, NY, United States

Are you a postdoc or graduate student applying for academic jobs now or in the near future? Come join a lunch discussion with others in the same stage, facilitated by the Office of Postdoctoral Studies and CIRTL at Cornell. We’re gathering a community of peers to help find advice, support, and feedback. Bring questions and…

Careers In and Beyond Academia

102 Mann Library 237 Mann Drive, Ithaca, NY, United States

Information sessions for Ph.D. students and postdocs on resources and career pathway exploration opportunities. Presented by CIRTL at Cornell, Careers Beyond Academia, and the Office of Postdoctoral Studies. Register

Interviewing and Negotiation for Academic Positions

102 Mann Library 237 Mann Drive, Ithaca, NY, United States

An important part of the academic job search is interviewing and then negotiating the offer. Come learn about the art of interviewing! Presenters: Yael Levitte, associate vice provost for faculty development and diversity, and Christine Holmes, director of postdoctoral studies This is a brown bag event – bring your own lunch, and we will provide…

NCFDD: How to Align Your Time with Your Priorities


Grab your strategic plan and learn the secret to making it work day-to-day and week-to-week! How to Align Your Time with Your Priorities is a step-by-step guide to holding a weekly planning meeting (aka The Sunday Meeting). In this webinar you’ll learn: What works…and what DOESN’T work when it comes to weekly planning Why weekly…

Intergroup Dialogue Project – Grad/ Postdoc Short Course

This is an invitation-only event open to those who applied by the November deadline and were accepted for Winter 2020. Please contact the IDP team at idp@cornell.edu with any questions. Through an interactive process known as intergroup dialogue, this offering, hosted by the Intergroup Dialogue Project, provides participants with opportunities to explore how their social identities…

NextGen Professors: February Cohort Meeting

102 Mann Library 237 Mann Drive, Ithaca, NY, United States

This is an invitation-only event for applicants who have been selected to participate in this year’s NextGen Professors cohort. NextGen Professors is a career-development program focused on preparing Cornell doctoral students and postdocs for faculty careers across institutional types. The primary audience for this program is doctoral students (in year 3 or beyond) and postdocs…

Academic Job Search Discussion

102 Mann Library 237 Mann Drive, Ithaca, NY, United States

Are you a postdoc or graduate student applying for academic jobs now or in the near future? Come join a lunch discussion with others in the same stage, facilitated by the directors of Postdoctoral Studies and CIRTL at Cornell. We’re gathering a community of peers to help find advice, support, and feedback. Bring questions and…

Intergroup Dialogue Project – Grad/ Postdoc Short Course

This is an invitation-only event open to those who applied by the November deadline and were accepted for Winter 2020. Please contact the IDP team at idp@cornell.edu with any questions. Through an interactive process known as intergroup dialogue, this offering, hosted by the Intergroup Dialogue Project, provides participants with opportunities to explore how their social identities…

Intergroup Dialogue Project – Grad/ Postdoc Short Course

This is an invitation-only event open to those who applied by the November deadline and were accepted for Winter 2020. Please contact the IDP team at idp@cornell.edu with any questions. Through an interactive process known as intergroup dialogue, this offering, hosted by the Intergroup Dialogue Project, provides participants with opportunities to explore how their social identities…

Intergroup Dialogue Project – Grad/ Postdoc Short Course

This is an invitation-only event open to those who applied by the November deadline and were accepted for Winter 2020. Please contact the IDP team at idp@cornell.edu with any questions. Through an interactive process known as intergroup dialogue, this offering, hosted by the Intergroup Dialogue Project, provides participants with opportunities to explore how their social identities…

Public writing and inclusive teaching workshops

POSTPONED    –details to follow– Speaker Dr. David M. Perry is a columnist for Pacific Standard Magazine and a freelance journalist, covering politics, history, education, and disability. Dr. Perry will lead two interactive workshops–open to all Cornell graduate students and interested postdocs–whose purpose is also to equip them with the necessary skills for a career outside the professoriate. Writing…

Job Search Virtual Discussion Group


Let’s face it, finding a job can be a difficult process that is often full of stress.  Add that we are in the midst of a pandemic with many uncertainties, and you may be experiencing even greater stress and worry.  The Job Search Virtual Discussion Group is designed to get job searchers together to talk…

International Student / Postdoc Job Search Discussion


Let’s face it, finding a job can be a difficult process that is often full of stress. Add that we are in the midst of a pandemic with many uncertainties, and you may be experiencing even greater stress and worry. Not to mention all the immigration related questions (visa status, OPT, CPT, etc.) regarding your…

International Student / Postdoc Job Search Discussion


It’s been three months since we started working from home, and the job market/outlook also has been changing. The International Student/Postdoc Job Search Virtual Monthly Chat is designed to get international students/postdocs who are seeking for jobs together to talk about concerns that all share, and strategize about how to move forward.   During this…

Job Search Virtual Monthly Chat


It’s been a few months after the world was interrupted by a global pandemic and it certainly affected job seekers’ plans for landing a job. However, many things have changed and companies have adjusted their hiring plans as well. The Job Search Virtual Monthly Chat is designed to get job seekers together to talk about…

Beyond the Professoriate: Building Professional Relationships Online


If you’ve been with Beyond Prof for a while, you know that we often talk about how critical networking is to a post-academic job search. But given social distancing and our uncertain times, how do you build a professional network from home? Join Beyond the Professoriate founder L. Maren Wood, PhD in this webinar for…

International Student / Postdoc Job Search Discussion


It’s been three months since we started working from home, and the job market/outlook also has been changing. The International Student/Postdoc Job Search Virtual Monthly Chat is designed to get international students/postdocs who are seeking for jobs together to talk about concerns that all share, and strategize about how to move forward.   During this…

Beyond the Professoriate: Making the Most of Graduate School


Are you just starting your PhD? Or are you in your first few years and Covid-19 has drastically chanced your graduate school experience? Are you trying to get back into a groove and continue your research now that things have changed? Join faculty and recent graduates in this panel on making the most of graduate…

Job Search Virtual Monthly Chat


We are entering month 5 of working remotely with some labs gradually reopening. Everything has changed a lot, especially on the job front. The Job Search Virtual Monthly Chat is designed to get job seekers together to talk about concerns that graduate students and postdocs share, and strategize about how to move forward. Each session…

International Student / Postdoc Job Search Discussion


This is the last Job Search Virtual Monthly Chat specific to international student issues for the summer. Things are moving a lot on the job search side as well as the immigration side. The Job Search Virtual Monthly Chat is designed to get job seekers together to talk about concerns that graduate students and postdocs…

NCFDD: Cultivating Your Network of Mentors, Sponsors & Collaborators


Do you have a reliable and strong network of mentors? Are you struggling to cultivate mentoring relationships? Do you know the difference between a mentor and a sponsor? Are you moving to a new stage of your career and wondering how to find new mentors and sponsors that are appropriate to the next level? If…

Job Search Virtual Monthly Chat


This is the last Job Search Virtual Monthly Chat in the summer. If you have more questions about the job search as graduate students or postdocs, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. The Job Search Virtual Monthly Chat is designed to get job seekers together to talk about concerns that graduate students…

Job Search Virtual Discussion Group


The Job Search Virtual Monthly Chat is designed to get job seekers together to talk about concerns that graduate students and postdocs share, and strategize about how to move forward. Each session will begin with a brief introduction that includes tips, perspectives, and thoughts from staff who support career exploration. After this information is shared,…

Tell Your Story! Developing Your Presentation’s Design and Message


Join us to learn how to design format and develop content for an effective presentation, especially for virtual presentations this year. We’ll provide tips for virtual job talks, conference presentations, and competitions such as the Three-Minute Thesis (3MT) and other graduate student research competitions. The primary audiences for this event are graduate students and postdoctoral…

Making Online Presentations Accessible


You need to make your online presentations accessible to all participants. Join us to learn how to do just that with guest speaker and communications assistant Katya Hrichak.

Job Search Virtual Discussion Group


The Job Search Virtual Monthly Chat is designed to get job seekers together to talk about concerns that graduate students and postdocs share, and strategize about how to move forward. Each session will begin with a brief introduction that includes tips, perspectives, and thoughts from staff who support career exploration. After this information is shared,…

Presenting Research Effectively at a Distance: Technology and You


Think you need help using technology more effectively for presentations, job talks and other virtual academic and professional opportunities. Join the club! And join us for this session to talk about smart and effective use of technology for class, job talks, interviews, and conference presentations. We will focus on preparing a professional digital footprint online,…

Slide Design and Graphics


Join us to focus on the important role that well-designed slides and graphics play in effective job talks, teaching and conference presentations. We’ll demonstrate good ones as well as pitfalls to avoid.  Pre-register here.

Overcoming Stage Fright and Improving Your Presence


Who doesn’t get at least a little nervous when preparing and presenting for audiences of any size when the stakes are high? (No one!) Thinking about a class presentation? A job interview? A presentation at a colloquium or conference? Join us to learn ways to manage nervousness and anxiety about presenting and to develop and…

Job Search Virtual Discussion Group


The Job Search Virtual Monthly Chat is designed to get job seekers together to talk about concerns that graduate students and postdocs share, and strategize about how to move forward. Each session will begin with a brief introduction that includes tips, perspectives, and thoughts from staff who support career exploration. After this information is shared,…

International Student / Postdoc Job Search Discussion


The International Students/Postdocs Job Search Virtual Chat is designed to get international students/postdocs who are seeking for jobs together to talk about questions and concerns that all share, and strategize about how to move forward. During this session, we will first have a brief introduction of all the career and immigration staff present, and then…

Information Session on the Three Minute Thesis (3MT)


Learn about the Three-Minute Thesis competition: history, format, judging, prizes, and how Cornell offers the chance to participate. Organizers will field your questions about competing in an all-virtual competition in Spring 2021.

2021 Three Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition


Three Minute Thesis (3MT) is a competition for doctoral students to develop and showcase their research communication skills. Cornell’s 2021 3MT final round competition will be held on Thursday, March 18, 2021. Register to attend and you can vote on the People’s Choice Award Winner from among the eight finalists! 3MT challenges research degree students…

Job Search Virtual Discussion Group


The Job Search Virtual Monthly Chat is designed to get job seekers together to talk about concerns that graduate students and postdocs share, and strategize about how to move forward. Each session will begin with a brief introduction that includes tips, perspectives, and thoughts from staff who support career exploration. After this information is shared,…

Job Search Virtual Monthly Discussion


The Job Search Virtual Monthly Discussion is designed to get job seekers together to talk about concerns that graduate students and postdocs share, and strategize about how to move forward. Each session will begin with a brief introduction that includes tips, perspectives, and thoughts from staff who support career exploration within and beyond academia. After…

Job Search Virtual Monthly Discussion


The Job Search Virtual Monthly Discussion is designed to get job seekers together to talk about concerns that graduate students and postdocs share, and strategize about how to move forward. Each session will begin with a brief introduction that includes tips, perspectives, and thoughts from staff who support career exploration within and beyond academia. After…

2021 Summer P2S Symposium: Linguistic and Cultural Diversity as Critical Assets


Pathways to Success is the Graduate School’s framework for helping graduate and professional students and postdoctoral scholars be successful in their research and scholarship, and establish necessary skills for their future careers. The Summer P2S Symposium is a professional development opportunity for doctoral, professional degree, and research master’s students and postdoctoral scholars that will provide participants…

Job Search Virtual Monthly Discussion


The Job Search Virtual Monthly Discussion is designed to get job seekers together to talk about concerns that graduate students and postdocs share, and strategize about how to move forward. Each session will begin with a brief introduction that includes tips, perspectives, and thoughts from staff who support career exploration within and beyond academia. After…

NRMN Webinar: Re-Examining Your Mentoring Relationship in the Current Moment


The National Research Mentoring Network (NRMN) Career Development Webinar Series presents “Re-Examining Your Mentoring Relationship in the Current Moment.” The webinar presenters are Dr. Christine Pfund, University of Wisconsin-Madison, and Dr. Ruth Gotian, Weill Cornell Medicine. The start of the new semester sparks the time for new ideas and explorations—it’s also a time for taking…

NPA Webinar: Connecting for Career Success


Looking for tips to find and secure a job you will enjoy and thrive in after your postdoc? Want to learn about careers where you can apply the skills and knowledge gained through your postdoc training? Then join us to meet former postdocs who have found success in their chosen professions and learn about their…

NPA Webinar: Centering Your Identity and Interests While Preparing for Your Next Career Step


Attend a professional development online workshop from the team behind The Postdoc Academy courses offered via EdX from Boston University. The focus of the workshop is Centering Your Identity and Interests While Preparing for Your Next Career Step. Register for September 22 NPA session Cornell University is a sustaining member of the National Postdoctoral Association…

NIH Webinar: Becoming a Resilient Scientist Series – An Introduction to Resilience and Wellness


Speaker(s): Sharon Milgram, PhD, Director, OITE This event is recommended for: Postbacs; Graduate Students; Postdocs/Fellows; NIH Staff Scientists/Staff Clinicians Register for Session 1 Accessibility Information: Sign language interpreting services and live captioning will be provided for this event. Individuals who need other reasonable accommodations to participate in this event should contact Jackie Newell (newellj@nih.gov) or…

Job Search Virtual Monthly Discussion


The Job Search Virtual Monthly Discussion is designed to get graduate students and postdoctoral scholars together to talk about concerns that job seekers share, and strategize about how to move forward. Each session will begin with a brief introduction that includes tips, perspectives, and thoughts from staff who support career exploration within and beyond academia. Participants will…

NIH Webinar: Becoming a Resilient Scientist Series – Exploring Our Self-talk: Cognitive Distortion and Imposter Fears


Speaker(s): Sharon Milgram, PhD, Director, OITE This event is recommended for: Postbacs; Graduate Students; Postdocs/Fellows; NIH Staff Scientists/Staff Clinicians Register for Session 2 Accessibility Information: Sign language interpreting services and live captioning will be provided for this event. Individuals who need other reasonable accommodations to participate in this event should contact Jackie Newell (newellj@nih.gov) or…

NYAS Webinar: Career Paths: Academic Workforce Development


The growth and prosperity of society depends on nurturing intellectual STEM talent that drives innovation and solves real world problems, This requires creating a culture that nurtures, fosters and accepts diverse ideas, problem solving approaches and individuals. The panelists at this webinar will discuss how STEM professionals can pave the path by creating programs and…

NIH Webinar: Becoming a Resilient Scientist Series – Self-advocacy and Assertiveness


Speaker(s): Sharon Milgram, PhD, Director, OITE This event is recommended for: Postbacs; Graduate Students; Postdocs/Fellows; NIH Staff Scientists/Staff Clinicians Register for Session 3 Accessibility Information: Sign language interpreting services and live captioning will be provided for this event. Individuals who need other reasonable accommodations to participate in this event should contact Jackie Newell (newellj@nih.gov) or…

NIH Webinar: Becoming a Resilient Scientist Series – Developing Feedback Resilience


Speaker(s): Sharon Milgram, PhD, Director, OITE This event is recommended for: Postbacs; Graduate Students; Postdocs/Fellows; NIH Staff Scientists/Staff Clinicians Register for Session 4 Accessibility Information: Sign language interpreting services and live captioning will be provided for this event. Individuals who need other reasonable accommodations to participate in this event should contact Jackie Newell (newellj@nih.gov) or…

Ivy+ Three Minute Thesis Competition


In this virtual event, Ph.D. students from Yale, Cornell University, Princeton University, Columbia University, University of Pennsylvania, Dartmouth College, University of Chicago, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology will present their thesis research-in just 3 minutes!  Join us for this celebratory showcase of the diverse and innovative work Ph.D. students are doing across our campuses. Cornell participants:…

NIH Webinar: Becoming a Resilient Scientist Series – Managing Up to Maximize Mentoring Relationships


Speaker(s): Sharon Milgram, PhD, Director, OITE This event is recommended for: Postbacs; Graduate Students; Postdocs/Fellows; NIH Staff Scientists/Staff Clinicians Register for Session 5 Accessibility Information: Sign language interpreting services and live captioning will be provided for this event. Individuals who need other reasonable accommodations to participate in this event should contact Jackie Newell (newellj@nih.gov) or…

Job Search Virtual Monthly Discussion


The Job Search Virtual Monthly Discussion is designed to get graduate students and postdoctoral scholars together to talk about concerns that job seekers share, and strategize about how to move forward. Each session will begin with a brief introduction that includes tips, perspectives, and thoughts from staff who support career exploration within and beyond academia. Participants will…

Information Session on the Three Minute Thesis (3MT)


Learn about the Three-Minute Thesis competition: history, format, judging, prizes, and how Cornell offers the chance to participate. Organizers will field your questions about competing in an all-virtual competition in Spring 2022. Register online to attend an information session.

Information Session on the Three Minute Thesis (3MT)


Learn about the Three-Minute Thesis competition: history, format, judging, prizes, and how Cornell offers the chance to participate. Organizers will field your questions about competing in an all-virtual competition in Spring 2022. Register online to attend an information session.

Information Session on the Three Minute Thesis (3MT)


Learn about the Three-Minute Thesis competition: history, format, judging, prizes, and how Cornell offers the chance to participate. Organizers will field your questions about competing in an all-virtual competition in Spring 2022. Register online to attend an information session.

Information Session on the Three Minute Thesis (3MT)


Learn about the Three-Minute Thesis competition: history, format, judging, prizes, and how Cornell offers the chance to participate. Organizers will field your questions about competing in an all-virtual competition in Spring 2022. Register online to attend an information session.

Information Session on the Three Minute Thesis (3MT)


Learn about the Three-Minute Thesis competition: history, format, judging, prizes, and how Cornell offers the chance to participate. Organizers will field your questions about competing in an all-virtual competition in Spring 2022. Register online to attend an information session.

Tips for a Memorable 5 Minute Research Presentation


This event will provide practical tips for creating a memorable research pitch to hook your audience. The learning objectives for the webinar: Given a short presentation, participants will be able to analyze it for specific improvements in their performance. Participants will be able to explain three qualities that make a pitch memorable. At the end…

2022 Three Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition


Three Minute Thesis (3MT) is a competition for doctoral students to develop and showcase their research communication skills. The 2022 final round competition will be held on Tuesday, March 22, 2022. Register to attend and vote for the people’s choice award. 3MT challenges research degree students to present a compelling story on their dissertation or…

NAGS 2022 3MT Competition


The Northeastern Association of Graduate Schools (NAGS) s pleased to announce the 2022 Three-Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition. This year, the virtual event will be hosted by the Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS). The 3MT competition will feature winners of each NAGS member’s local competitions, including Cornell’s 2022 3MT champion, Bruno Shirley. The NAGS…

Pathways to Success Symposium


Pathways to Success is the Graduate School’s framework for helping graduate and professional students and postdoctoral scholars be successful in their research and scholarship, and establish necessary skills for their future careers. The Summer P2S Series is a professional development opportunity for doctoral, professional degree, and research master’s students and postdoctoral scholars that will provide…

2022 Resource Fair for Graduate and Professional Students

Barton Hall 117 Statler Drive, Ithaca, New York

This collaborative resource fair and welcome reception will provide an opportunity for graduate and professional degree students from across programs to engage with each other while also learning more about the resources, office, and organizations that help to support their development and progression at Cornell. Please sign up here if you have any accommodations requests…

NYAS Webinar: Career Paths: Funding & Grantsmanship


The ability to write successful research grants is a skill that needs to be worked on. As university budgets are shrinking and external funding sources are becoming more and more competitive, graduate students and postdoctoral fellows and scientists should gain experience in this critical skill of successful grant writing early in their careers by applying…

Unstuck: Become the Writer You Already Are


The CNY Humanities Corridor will host a free 90-minute virtual session with Michelle Boyd (Inkwell Academic Writing Retreats), open to all interested faculty and graduate students: Friday, October 7, 2022 1:00-2:30 p.m. (ET) Unstuck: Become the Writer You Already Are Register by Oct. 6! Visit the Corridor website and calendar for more information. Other questions?…

Job Search Discussion


The Job Search Discussion is designed to get graduate students and postdoctoral scholars together to talk about concerns that job seekers share, and strategize about how to move forward. Each session will begin with a brief introduction that includes tips, perspectives, and thoughts from staff who support career exploration within and beyond academia. Participants will…

Job Search Discussion


The Job Search Discussion is designed to get graduate students and postdoctoral scholars together to talk about concerns that job seekers share, and strategize about how to move forward. Each session will begin with a brief introduction that includes tips, perspectives, and thoughts from staff who support career exploration within and beyond academia. Participants will…

Grants administration skills/career info

Virtual Session NY, United States

Are you interested in program management, grants management or academic administration? This no-cost online event might be worth tuning in to learn more about NIH funding processes, policies and careers. Whether you are interested in a career in or beyond academia this is an event not to miss! The National Institutes of Health will host…

Information Session on the Cornell Three Minute Thesis (3MT)


Learn about the Three-Minute Thesis competition: history, format, judging, prizes, and how Cornell offers the chance to participate. Organizers will field your questions about competing in an all-virtual competition in Spring 2023. Register online to attend an information session.

2023 Three Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition


Three Minute Thesis (3MT) is a competition for doctoral students to develop and showcase their research communication skills. The 2023 final round competition will be held on Thursday, March 30, 2023. Register to attend and vote for the people’s choice award. 3MT challenges research degree students to present a compelling story on their dissertation or…

Should I Do a Postdoc?


Are you a graduate student wondering if you might want to seek a postdoctoral position on the way to the next stage of your career? Come hear an interactive presentation and engage in breakout discussion and question and answer by general field of study. Topics discussed will include: reasons to do a postdoctoral position, types…

Event Series What Can You Be with a PhD?

What Can You Be with a PhD?

Virtual Session NY, United States

What Can You Be With a PhD? is the longest-running and largest biomedical career symposium in the US, and this year’s event will take place exclusively online on October 21st and 22nd. Historically, every major academic research institution in the New York City metro area has been a co-sponsor, with considerable support from local and…

Event Series What Can You Be with a PhD?

What Can You Be with a PhD?

Virtual Session NY, United States

What Can You Be With a PhD? is the longest-running and largest biomedical career symposium in the US, and this year’s event will take place exclusively online on October 21st and 22nd. Historically, every major academic research institution in the New York City metro area has been a co-sponsor, with considerable support from local and…

Information Session on the Cornell Three Minute Thesis (3MT)


Learn about the Three-Minute Thesis competition: history, format, judging, prizes, and how Cornell offers the chance to participate. Organizers will field your questions about competing in the Cornell Graduate School competition in Spring 2024. Register online to attend an information session.

2024 Three Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition

G10 Biotechnology Building 526 Campus Road, Ithaca, NY, United States

Three Minute Thesis (3MT) is a competition for graduate students to develop and showcase their research communication skills. The 2024 final round competition will be held in-person on Wednesday, March 20, 2024.  Attend and vote for your favorite presentation for the People’s Choice Award! 3MT challenges research degree students to present a compelling story on…

Pathways to Success Symposium

148 Stocking Hall 411 Tower Rd, Ithaca, NY

Pathways to Success is the Graduate School’s framework for helping graduate and professional students and postdoctoral scholars be successful in their research and scholarship, and establish necessary skills for their future careers. The Summer P2S Symposium is a professional development opportunity for doctoral, professional degree, and research master’s students and postdoctoral scholars that will provide…

Information Session on the Cornell Three Minute Thesis (3MT)


Learn about the Three-Minute Thesis competition: history, format, judging, prizes, and how Cornell offers the chance to prepare and participate. Organizers will field your questions about competing in the Cornell Graduate School competition in Spring 2025. Register online to attend an information session.