Network and explore federal career opportunities in this National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) fellowship. Application deadline is…
Interested in entrepreneurship, startups, biotechnology, or health? Want to explore to start a company around your research, but looking for…
Are you interested in creativity, innovation, and organizational behavior? Entrepreneurship? We are looking for someone to help facilitate experiential learning…
Career Building 101: How Do I Host a Careers Beyond Academia Event?
Scientist Mentoring and Diversity Program (SMDP) call for Applicants. SMDP Biotech or SMDP MedTech application deadline is in early April.…
Would you like to be an officer for the Cornell Graduate Consulting Club? Serving as an officer with the team…
PhD students and postdocs, come learn about BD’s Technology Leadership Development Program (they’re hiring!), one of the premier career-accelerating opportunities…
Looking for a new LinkedIn or Handshake profile picture? As Spring semester is quickly approaching, stand out with a new profile…
Apply TODAY for the Virtual Washington D.C. Experience to meet with US Congressional Staffers, AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellows, and staff from…
Expanding Your Horizons (EYH) is a 1-day conference aimed at getting 7th, 8th, and 9th grade girls interested in STEM.…
The Association for Women in Science supports a global network of like-minded women and allies committed to advancing women in…
Calling all science communicators, recruitment for the 2022 ComSciCon-NY Organizing Committee is now underway! If you are interested in participating and/or receiving more…