Creating an Employer-Ready LinkedIn Profile Workshop
100 Mann Library 237 Mann Drive, Ithaca, NY, United StatesWe will start with a short overview presentation with tips on how to use LinkedIn, exercises to identify a good tagline, and an interactive session to work on profiles and receive feedback. Please bring your computer. We will work email a worksheet prior to the the event. Due to the interactive workshop, space is limited…
Elevator Pitch and Networking Tools for International Students and Postdocs
Goldwin Smith Hall G64As international students, do you find it hard to talk about who you are and what you do in school? Have you had trouble building your network beyond your major/department? Welcome to the session where we talk about how to prepare an effective elevator pitch and tips and resources for networking.
Merck “Synthetic Innovations for Drug Discovery”
Baker Laboratory 119The Chemistry seminar series features Drs. Emma Edelstein from Merck Rahway and Dan Lehnherr, Cornell postdoc who will speak on Synthetic Innovations for Drug Discovery on Monday March 2 at 3:30pm in 119 Baker Laboratory. This is a great chance for you to hear from an industry speaker and collaborator on the work they do…
Intergroup Dialogue Project – Grad/ Postdoc Short Course
This is an invitation-only event open to those who applied by the November deadline and were accepted for Winter 2020. Please contact the IDP team at with any questions. Through an interactive process known as intergroup dialogue, this offering, hosted by the Intergroup Dialogue Project, provides participants with opportunities to explore how their social identities…
Understanding the U.S. Job Market and the Work Authorization
Goldwin Smith Hall G64Excited about start working after graduation but don’t know how U.S. job market will be? Still have questions about your work authorization or visa status? Come join Career Services and Office of Global Learning for a U.S. job market outlook 101 and work authorization 101.
Opportunities for Public Communication of Science
Opportunities for Public Communication of Science panel discussion Friday March 6 at 4:30-7:00pm-this session is open to the public and will feature panelists from Cornell and the community. Held in Plant Sciences 143, includes pizza and veggies Speakers: Tristan Fehr (he/they) is a science communicator, LGBTQIA+ community advocate, and scientist. As a PhD student in…
Communication Workshop (COMM 5660)
143 Plant Science 236 Tower Rd., Ithaca, NYStarting with a public panel discussion on Opportunities for Public Communication of Science, this weekend workshop trains researchers in the sciences (including natural sciences, engineering, experimental social sciences, etc.) to communicate effectively with nonscientists such as policy makers, political stakeholders, the media, and the general public. Training activities may include role-play, mini lectures, reading/discussion, hands-on…
How to Practice the Art of Grantwriting
Writing successful grants is a creative process and requires a compelling narrative. This workshop will help you understand the process and provide tips for success. It will cover methods of conceptualizing and writing a proposal in a way that encourages positive reviewer responses. The focus is on grants to the National Institutes of Health, but…
Intergroup Dialogue Project – Grad/ Postdoc Short Course
This is an invitation-only event open to those who applied by the November deadline and were accepted for Winter 2020. Please contact the IDP team at with any questions. Through an interactive process known as intergroup dialogue, this offering, hosted by the Intergroup Dialogue Project, provides participants with opportunities to explore how their social identities…
CV to Resume Workshop
Zoom NY, United StatesThis hands-on workshop is geared towards Humanities PhD students and postdocs that are exploring career options. It will help you target common terms used in industry, non-profit and government jobs; basic resume structure and tips on highlighting your PhD skillsets to position YOU as the preferred job candidate. This workshop is open to all PhD…
CV to Resume Workshop
Zoom NY, United StatesThis hands-on workshop is geared towards Humanities PhD students and postdocs that are exploring career options. It will help you target common terms used in industry, non-profit and government jobs; basic resume structure and tips on highlighting your PhD skillsets to position YOU as the preferred job candidate. This workshop is open to all PhD…
Alumni Panel from Beyond Academia
Corson-Mudd Hall A106Join BESS (Biogeochemistry Environmental Science and Sustainability) alumni who have pursued on-academic careers to hear their stories and advice. Held in A106 Corson Hall (Morrison Room) at 4pm March 13 Panelists will join by Zoom. Beverages and snacks will be provided after the panel. Please contact Cassi Wattenburger (, Careers Beyond Academia Advisory Board Member or…
5 Things Every Founder Should Know about Social Enterprise
SAI - STEM Advocacy Institute - invites you to join this free and open to the public seminar. Please take a moment to register here: ZOOM
Insight Fellow Program – deadline March 16
Apply to the Insight Fellows Program by March 16 The Insight Fellows Programs are fellowships for graduating students looking to transition to thriving careers as data scientists, engineers, and other cutting-edge professionals. Insight Fellows: The program is sponsored by top companies, with scholarships available for cost of living Receive guidance throughout the entire process to…
Intergroup Dialogue Project – Grad/ Postdoc Short Course
This is an invitation-only event open to those who applied by the November deadline and were accepted for Winter 2020. Please contact the IDP team at with any questions. Through an interactive process known as intergroup dialogue, this offering, hosted by the Intergroup Dialogue Project, provides participants with opportunities to explore how their social identities…
The Sounds of Silence – The role of science in shaping U.S. public policy
WebinarThe role of science in shaping U.S. public policy is being diminished. From environmental laws to healthcare regulations, scientists and other experts are being sidelined from the decision-making process. webinar presented by Chris Schaffer, Associate Professor of Engineering, Cornell University and Mark Bayer, President of Mark Bayer Strategic Consulting. To Register.
Overcoming “Alternative Facts” Advocating for Truth in Science, Society, and Your Startup
WebinarAlthough the term is rooted in politics, “alternative facts” have moved beyond the political arena to weaken and warp decision-making across the economy. Whether spreading misinformation about vaccine safety or leading to false assumptions about women-led startups, alternative facts trigger unconscious action when cognitive reflection would be more productive. But believers of alternative facts aren’t…
Careers Beyond Academia Information Session – Mario Einaudi Center for International Studies
170 Uris HallThis event is CANCELLED. It will be rescheduled in Fall 2020. Join us for an information session about how we can help you make informed decisions for career choices in government, non-profits and industry. Our program works with you to test-drive career opportunities through career panels, individual and group sessions, site visits and more. For…
Sustainable Biodiversity Fellow Lunch – Postponed
300 Rice Hall 200 Rice Hall, Ithaca, NY, United StatesEvent Postponed - new date will be announced later on. Topical Lunches, a popular Atkinson Center program, bring together faculty and researchers from across campus in an informal setting to discuss coordinating major grants, to "test the waters" for future collaborations, to introduce new faculty to the sustainability community, and to explore emerging concepts with…
Evidence-Based Entrepreneurship: A Mindset for Startup Success
WebinarIt’s no secret that most startups fail. Many assume that this is because they were unable to successfully create the product or service that they had in mind. In reality, however, the data shows that most startups actually succeed in creating their product. The problem is that the product they created was something nobody really…
Create an Employer-Ready LinkedIn Profile Workshop
ZoomWe will start with a short overview presentation with tips on how to use LinkedIn, exercises to identify a good tagline, and an interactive session to work on profiles and receive feedback. Zoom Attendance: Zoom link To Register. For more events, please visit Accessibility Requests We strive to make our events accessible to…
Tips for a Memorable 5 Minute Research Pitch
WebinarIn this webinar, Susi Varvayanis, Executive Director Cornell University Graduate School's Careers Beyond Academia will provide tips for a memorable research pitch. The learning objectives for the webinar: Given a short presentation, participants will be able to analyze it for specific improvements in their performance. Participants will be able to explain three qualities that make…
The New MSL Board Certification: What it Means for You and the MSL Community
WebinarIn response to requests from the Medical Science Liaison community, the MSL Society developed the MSL-BC® - Medical Science Liaison-Board Certification. The goal of the MSL-BC® is to set industry-recognized standards for the MSL profession. Our panel of MSL Leaders and a certification expert will share: • What the certification means for the MSL community…
Virtual Chemistry Careers Oriented Webinar Series
ZoomAll graduate students, post-docs and chem majors are welcomed to participate in our Virtual Chemistry Careers Seminar Series. Keynote speaker is Jennifer Novotney, American Chemical Society Congressional Fellow, Office of Senator Richard Durbin. Zoom Link
Remote Leadership in Startups and Small Business
ZoomEntrepreneur in Residence Steve Sauer will lead an interactive webinar focused on leading remote teams and how theories and science apply to startups and small businesses. Further discussions will include insight from CEOs on leading companies while working from home and hiring new employees in a virtual world. Participants will have the opportunity to ask…
Insights from the National Academies Report on Integrative Learning
WebinarConnecting the Branches: Insights from the National Academies Report on Integrative Learning The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, the Alliance for the Arts and Research Universities, and the Association of American Colleges and Universities invite you to join the conversation on the integration of the arts and humanities in STEM based on findings…
Academic Job Search – Evaluating Positions and Negotiating Offers
WebinarSo you've got the job offer! Now, what do you do? In this workshop, learn what you should consider when beginning negotiations. Also, learn what you can and cannot negotiate and hear strategies for clearly articulating your wants and needs. This session will be available by webinar (live and archive from this same link)…
Reframing Your Job Search
ZoomThis event will be available via Zoom. Please email if you are interested in participating and we will send you a Zoom link. This workshop is structured for PhD students and Postdocs in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences. We will focus on career options, strategies and techniques to explore career options in industry,…
Entrepreneurship Celebration – CANCELLED
April 16th and 17th, 2020 – CANCELLED This 2-day entrepreneurship conference is conducted annually on the Ithaca campus to bring together more than 700 students, alumni, faculty, staff and community participants. Multiple colleges and programs collaborate to provide: Symposia on a wide range of topics including mentorship success, sustainable social enterprise, health administration, etc. eLab Demo Day “Cornell…
Job Search Strategies (Non-faculty Jobs)
WebinarA job search involves more than just applying to job postings. Successful job searches require planning. You will need to complete four key activities: building a productive network, creating resumes that work for you, establishing search strategies for finding jobs, and preparing for a competitive interview. This session examines the job search as a process…
Tips for 5 Minute Memorable Research Presentation Pitch
Zoom NY, United StatesThis event will provide tips in creating a memorable research presentation. The learning objectives for the webinar: Given a short presentation, participants will be able to analyze it for specific improvements in their performance. Participants will be able to explain three qualities that make a pitch memorable. At the end of this webinar, learners will…
How to Practice for Case Interviews – CGCC Zoom Workshop
ZoomTrying to figure out how to take the first crack at this Case Interview thing? Join us for a 1-hour, hands-on workshop, where we'll guide you through ideas and practices with a demo case! Led by graduating members of Cornell Graduate Consulting Club who have landed consulting offers, we will: Review the format of the…
Public writing and inclusive teaching workshops
POSTPONED –details to follow– Speaker Dr. David M. Perry is a columnist for Pacific Standard Magazine and a freelance journalist, covering politics, history, education, and disability. Dr. Perry will lead two interactive workshops–open to all Cornell graduate students and interested postdocs–whose purpose is also to equip them with the necessary skills for a career outside the professoriate. Writing…
Social Media for Scientists
WebinarSocial media for scientists: It may seem like all the cool kids are just doing it, but there are data-supported methods for using social media to talk about your research. How can you reach the audience you are looking for? And what platform is best for you to use? We will talk through multiple examples…
Transition to Research Independence: Funding and Grantsmanship
ZoomPresented by The New York Academy of Sciences - Science Alliance During this seminar, we will discuss grant writing strategies for the scientific community to have research independence. You will learn about: Types of funding agencies (government and private) Types of private agencies (e.g. voluntary health organizations, professional societies, private foundations) Review criteria for fellowship…
Careers Beyond Academia Coffee Chats
ZoomPlease join us for informal chats. Topics include: What can we do right now to explore job options? What resources can we connect with at Cornell? How do I even start a job search? Discussions will be with different students across disciplines as well as staff (Susi Varvayanis and Denise DiRienzo) who can answer administrative…
Careers Beyond Academia Coffee Chats
ZoomPlease join us for informal chats. Topics include: What can we do right now to explore job options? What resources can we connect with at Cornell? How do I even start a job search? Discussions will be with different students across disciplines as well as staff (Susi Varvayanis and Denise DiRienzo) who can answer administrative…
Creating an Employer-Ready LinkedIn Workshop
ZoomThis event will be available via Zoom. Please email if you are interested in participating and we will send you a Zoom link. We will start with a short overview presentation with tips on how to use LinkedIn, exercises to identify a good tagline, and an interactive session to work on profiles and receive…
MSL Board Certification – Why Is It Important?
WebinarThree MSL Leaders Who Helped Develop the MSL Board Certification Discuss Why It's Important. Numerous MSL leaders and experts in certification testing participated in the development of the program. The goal of the MSL-BC® is to set industry-recognized standards for the MSL profession. In addition to how the credential was developed, our panel of MSL…
Careers Beyond Academia Coffee Chats
ZoomPlease join us for informal chats. Topics include: What can we do right now to explore job options? What resources can we connect with at Cornell? How do I even start a job search? Discussions will be with different students across disciplines as well as staff (Susi Varvayanis and Denise DiRienzo) who can answer administrative…
Careers Beyond Academia Coffee Chats
ZoomPlease join us for informal chats. Topics include: What can we do right now to explore job options? What resources can we connect with at Cornell? How do I even start a job search? Discussions will be with different students across disciplines as well as staff (Susi Varvayanis and Denise DiRienzo) who can answer administrative…
Global Online Startup Weekend – COVID-19
Toe the water in entrepreneurship by contributing to working teams for a hands-on startup weekend. Come together with inventors, innovators, developers and anyone with a passion to tackle COVID-19 in their country in this first-of-its-kind Online Startup Weekend. Information and registration Registration Deadline April 22, 11:55 am
Essential Leadership Skills for Scientists
WebinarGain leadership skills as a scientist. We will discuss understanding yourself and how you relate to others. Good communication skills and developing your emotional intelligence. Speaker, Sharon Milgram, PhD, Director, OITE Registration Presented by the NIH Office of Intramural Training and Education (OITE)
Careers Beyond Academia Coffee Chats
ZoomPlease join us for informal chats. Topics include: What can we do right now to explore job options? What resources can we connect with at Cornell? How do I even start a job search? Discussions will be with different students across disciplines as well as staff (Susi Varvayanis and Denise DiRienzo) who can answer administrative…
Careers Beyond Academia Coffee Chats
ZoomPlease join us for informal chats. Topics include: What can we do right now to explore job options? What resources can we connect with at Cornell? How do I even start a job search? Discussions will be with different students across disciplines as well as staff (Susi Varvayanis and Denise DiRienzo) who can answer administrative…
Creating An Employer Ready LinkedIn Workshop
ZoomWe will start with a short overview presentation with tips on how to use LinkedIn, exercises to identify a good tagline, and an interactive session to work on profiles and receive feedback. We will email a worksheet and the zoom link the day prior to the event. To Register. Accessibility Requests We strive to make…
Creating An Employer Ready LinkedIn Workshop
ZoomWe will start with a short overview presentation with tips on how to use LinkedIn, exercises to identify a good tagline, and an interactive session to work on profiles and receive feedback. We will email a worksheet and the zoom link the day prior to the event. To Register. Accessibility Requests We strive to make…
Careers Beyond Academia Coffee Chats
ZoomPlease join us for informal chats. Topics include: What can we do right now to explore job options? What resources can we connect with at Cornell? How do I even start a job search? Discussions will be with different students across disciplines as well as staff (Susi Varvayanis and Denise DiRienzo) who can answer administrative…
Careers Beyond Academia Coffee Chats
ZoomPlease join us for informal chats. Topics include: What can we do right now to explore job options? What resources can we connect with at Cornell? How do I even start a job search? Discussions will be with different students across disciplines as well as staff (Susi Varvayanis and Denise DiRienzo) who can answer administrative…
CV To Resume Workshop
Zoom NY, United StatesThis hands-on workshop is geared towards Humanities PhD students and postdocs that are exploring career options. It will help you target common terms used in industry, non-profit and government jobs; basic resume structure and tips on highlighting your PhD skillsets to position YOU as the preferred job candidate. This workshop is open to all PhD…
CV To Resume Workshop
ZoomThis webinar is geared towards Humanities PhD students and postdocs that are exploring career options. It will help you target common terms used in industry, non-profit and government jobs; basic resume structure and tips on highlighting your PhD skillsets to position YOU as the preferred job candidate. This webinar is open to all PhD students…
CV To Resume Workshop
ZoomThis webinar is geared towards Humanities PhD students and postdocs that are exploring career options. It will help you target common terms used in industry, non-profit and government jobs; basic resume structure and tips on highlighting your PhD skillsets to position YOU as the preferred job candidate. This webinar is open to all PhD students…
CVs, Resumes & Cover Letters: Essential job search documents
WebinarThis workshop, presented by the NIH Office of Intramural Training and Education (OITE), will highlight the critical elements and structure of CVs and resumes and cover letters. These important job documents serve as the foundation for all job searches, and knowing how to create them based on the employment sector and published position description is…
Pre-/Post-publication peer review
WebinarYou do a study, you write up the paper, and then you publish it. That’s it, right? Not so fast: peer review has always been a recurring step in the scientific process, but methods to do so are even more widespread than ever. We will talk about the benefits and challenges of using preprint sites…
Informational Interviews: What? How? Why?
WebinarWhile focusing on networking generally, this workshop will specifically outline steps you can take to begin conducting informational interviews now. These networking conversations can be an effective research tool and often help give you the most current and specific information about a field. Come learn tips on how to get the most out of your informational…
Job Search Virtual Discussion Group
ZoomLet’s face it, finding a job can be a difficult process that is often full of stress. Add that we are in the midst of a pandemic with many uncertainties, and you may be experiencing even greater stress and worry. The Job Search Virtual Discussion Group is designed to get job searchers together to talk…
Tips for a 5 Minute Research Presentation
ZoomThis event will provide tips for creating a memorable research presentation. The learning objectives for the webinar: Given a short presentation, participants will be able to analyze it for specific improvements in their performance. Participants will be able to explain three qualities that make a pitch memorable. At the end of this webinar, learners will…
Tips for a 5 Minute Research Presentation
ZoomThis event will provide tips for creating a memorable research presentation. The learning objectives for the webinar: Given a short presentation, participants will be able to analyze it for specific improvements in their performance. Participants will be able to explain three qualities that make a pitch memorable. At the end of this webinar, learners will…
Managing Up to Maximize Mentoring Relationships
WebinarThis workshop will explore the relationship between trainees and research mentors/supervisors with the goal of providing strategies for improving communication and interpersonal interactions. The workshop will help participants clarify what they need from their supervisors and mentors and how to ensure that they get what they need. Speaker, Sharon Milgram, Director NIH OITE Registration Offered by…
How to Prepare for Behavioral Interviews
ZoomDescribe a time you had to lead a team through a difficult challenge. Tell me about a time when you faced an ethical dilemma, and how you managed it. Tell me about a time when you had to deal with a difficult client. What did you learn from the experience? What would you do differently?…
NIH Career Symposium
WebinarThe 13th annual NIH OITE Career Symposium is still happening, on-line. There will be panels, taped interviews, and Twitter chats focused on a variety of career paths in all sectors. The symposium highlights the diversity of career choices available to your generation of biomedical researchers. Whether you are a new graduate student, postdoc, or clinical fellow…
LinkedIn – A Beginner’s Workshop to Creating a LinkedIn Profile
ZoomWe will start with a short overview presentation with tips on how to use LinkedIn, exercises to identify a good tagline, and an interactive session to work on profiles and receive feedback. We will email a worksheet prior to the event. To Register. A zoom link will be sent to all registrants. Accessibility Requests We…
LinkedIn Profile – Advanced
ZoomThis is the mid-level workshop. Prerequisite would be the Create Your LinkedIn Profile. In this advanced workshop we will share feedback and keywords. We will share profiles and expand the body of your LinkedIn Profile. Each participant should have a basic profile they are willing to share. To Register. A zoom link will be sent…
CV To Resume Workshop
ZoomThis webinar is geared towards Humanities PhD students and postdocs that are exploring career options. It will help you target common terms used in industry, non-profit and government jobs; basic resume structure and tips on highlighting your PhD skillsets to position YOU as the preferred job candidate. This webinar is open to all PhD students…
International Student / Postdoc Job Search Discussion
ZoomLet’s face it, finding a job can be a difficult process that is often full of stress. Add that we are in the midst of a pandemic with many uncertainties, and you may be experiencing even greater stress and worry. Not to mention all the immigration related questions (visa status, OPT, CPT, etc.) regarding your…
Frame Yourself for Your Job Search
ZoomThis workshop is structured for PhD students and Postdocs in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences. We will focus on career options, strategies and techniques to explore career options in industry, non-profit and government. Ever wonder what skills transfer? Or if you could be a consultant? Bring a job advertisement for your Dream Job and…
CV to Resume Workshop
ZoomThis webinar is geared towards Humanities PhD students and postdocs that are exploring career options. It will help you target common terms used in industry, non-profit and government jobs; basic resume structure and tips on highlighting your PhD skillsets to position YOU as the preferred job candidate. This webinar is open to all PhD students…
Reframing Your Research and Teaching: The Scholar as Producer
ZoomHumanities students and scholars – are you wondering how to refocus your skills? What skills are in demand in the workplace? How a job in industry, non-profits, governments and think tanks can be fulfilling and intellectually stimulating? Attend this skill building workshop! Presented by Jon McKenzie Professor of Practice, Department of English Faculty Affiliate, Bronfenbrenner Center…
Summer Pathways to Success (P2S) Series: Career Panel – Careers In and Beyond Academia
Zoom NY, United StatesSummer Pathways to Success (P2S) Series: Career Panel – Careers In and Beyond Academia June 3 @ 11:00 am - 12:00 pm Pathways to Success is the Graduate School’s framework for helping graduate and professional students and postdoctoral scholars be successful in their research and scholarship, and establish necessary skills for their future careers. The…
Frame Yourself for Your Job Search
ZoomThis workshop is structured for PhD students and Postdocs in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences. We will focus on career options, strategies and techniques to explore career options in industry, non-profit and government. Ever wonder what skills transfer? Or if you could be a consultant? Bring a job advertisement for your Dream Job, computer…
Tips for a Memorable 5 Minute Research Pitch
ZoomUPDATE: this presentation was recorded in collaboration with ASCB, an international society for cell biology and can be watched via this link. This event will provide tips for creating a memorable research presentation. The learning objectives for the webinar: Given a short presentation, participants will be able to analyze it for specific improvements in their…
La Vida Despues de Cornell: Alumni Journeys
Join the Cornell Latino Alumni Association, Latina/o Studies & Latinx Student Success Office for a virtual Latinx alumni journey & career conversation! Monday, June 8, 2020 • 7 pm Registration required As we celebrate the Class of 2020 and their transition into the professional world, we recognize that this current class is entering the job…
LinkedIn – A Beginner’s Workshop to Creating a LinkedIn Profile
ZoomWe will start with a short overview presentation with tips on how to use LinkedIn, exercises to identify a good tagline, and an interactive session to work on profiles and receive feedback. We will email a worksheet prior to the event. To Register. A zoom link will be sent to all registrants. Accessibility Requests We…
What is it like to lead a Biotech/Startup?
Zoom NY, United StatesCareer Panel: What is it like to lead a biotech/startup? Hosted by Buz Barstow (Biological and Environmental Engineering) & Elizabeth Kellogg (Molecular Biology and Genetics) Panelists include: Derek Greenfield (CEO/Founder iMicrobes) Sarah Bloch (Associate Director of Research Strategy of Pivot Bio) Alexandre Zanghellini (CEO/co-Founder ArzedaCo) Zoom Webinar link Or click on the link below:…
Advanced LinkedIn Workshop
ZoomThis is an advanced level workshop. Prerequisite would be the Create Your LinkedIn Profile. In this advanced workshop we will share feedback and keywords. We will share profiles and expand the body of your LinkedIn Profile. Each participant should have a basic profile they are willing to share. To Register. A zoom link will be…
Leadership Lessons for a VUCA World
Today, more than ever, we live, work, and compete in a Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous (VUCA) world. Leading during these uncertain times is challenging business and requires leaders with the vision to see opportunities in volatile and ambiguous situations, the courage to act in the face of uncertainty and complexity, and the character and…
Careers In… K-12 Education
ZoomCareers Beyond Academia Careers In… K-12 Education English PhD to High School Teacher. Thinking about career opportunities for PhDs in K-12 education? Join us for career information, advice and questions with Kristen Angierski, PhD Candidate in Cornell’s English Department and Andrew Mahlstedt of United World College, (formerly UW Madison) will share insights and advice on…
International Student/Postdoc Job Search Discussion
Zoom NY, United StatesLet’s face it, finding a job can be a difficult process that is often full of stress. Add that we are in the midst of a pandemic with many uncertainties, and you may be experiencing even greater stress and worry. Not to mention all the immigration related questions (visa status, OPT, CPT, etc.) regarding your…
International Student / Postdoc Job Search Discussion
ZoomIt’s been three months since we started working from home, and the job market/outlook also has been changing. The International Student/Postdoc Job Search Virtual Monthly Chat is designed to get international students/postdocs who are seeking for jobs together to talk about concerns that all share, and strategize about how to move forward. During this…
Job/Internship Tips and Resources hosted by Cornell Career Services
Cornell Career Services is hosting Job/Internship Search: Tips and Resources on June 23 @ 2:30 to 3:30 pm ET. For more information and to register.
Job Search Virtual Monthly Chat
ZoomIt’s been a few months after the world was interrupted by a global pandemic and it certainly affected job seekers’ plans for landing a job. However, many things have changed and companies have adjusted their hiring plans as well. The Job Search Virtual Monthly Chat is designed to get job seekers together to talk about…
Beyond the Professoriate: Building Professional Relationships Online
WebinarIf you’ve been with Beyond Prof for a while, you know that we often talk about how critical networking is to a post-academic job search. But given social distancing and our uncertain times, how do you build a professional network from home? Join Beyond the Professoriate founder L. Maren Wood, PhD in this webinar for…
Professionalism in Graduate School: What practices to KEEP, CULTIVATE, and QUIT in the workplace!
ZoomJuly 9 @ 4 pm to 5 pm ET. The best kept secrets of the workplace should not be a secret. Cornell graduate students and postdocs can learn about the best professional habits in the workplace to master now, so you are ready for the next step in your professional career. Presented by the Careers…
Celebrate Summer with Speed Networking
Zoom NY, United StatesJoin MassMEDIC and MedTech NY for an hour of virtual breakout networking groups! About this Event Celebrate summer with an hour of speed networking! (Tiki drinks and Hawaiian shirts are optional) Where: Zoom (link will be sent 24 hours before) Who: Anyone looking to connect in the Medtech Ecosystem To Register.
International Student / Postdoc Job Search Discussion
ZoomIt’s been three months since we started working from home, and the job market/outlook also has been changing. The International Student/Postdoc Job Search Virtual Monthly Chat is designed to get international students/postdocs who are seeking for jobs together to talk about concerns that all share, and strategize about how to move forward. During this…
Grow-NY Startup Competition
Grow-NY Startup Competition is accepting applications with a deadline of July 15. Food and agriculture startup businesses will compete to win up to $1 million and receive mentorship and business development support. Visit details and application form.
Strategies for Securing Early Career Research Funding
This webinar is focused on sharing services, solutions and strategies supporting early-career researchers’ discovery of funding opportunities—how to find them, and how to maximize proposal success. To Register.
Art Science Evening Rendezvous Experiment
Interested in the intersection of Art and Science? Then join the Cultural Programs of the National Academy of Sciences for a D.C. Art Science Evening Rendezvous (DASER) Experiment online on July 16 @ 12 pm to 1 pm ET. Launched in 2011, DASER is a discussion forum providing a snapshot of multidisciplinary projects and fostering…
LinkedIn ~ A Beginner’s Workshop to Create Your Profile
ZoomWe will start with a short overview presentation with tips on how to use LinkedIn, exercises to identify a good tagline, and an interactive session to work on profiles and receive feedback. We will email a worksheet prior to the event. To Register. A zoom link will be sent to all registrants. Accessibility Requests We…
Beyond the Professoriate: Making the Most of Graduate School
WebinarAre you just starting your PhD? Or are you in your first few years and Covid-19 has drastically chanced your graduate school experience? Are you trying to get back into a groove and continue your research now that things have changed? Join faculty and recent graduates in this panel on making the most of graduate…
Insight Fellows Fall Application Deadline
Insight Fellows Fall Application Deadlines is July 20. This year will be fully remote. FAQs on the program. The Insight Fellows Program is a seven-week professional training fellowship for graduating students and working professionals looking to transition to thriving careers as data scientists, engineers, and other cutting-edge professionals. Insight takes a unique approach, working closely…
Advanced LinkedIn Profile and Discussion Workshop
ZoomThis is an advanced level workshop. Prerequisite would be the Create Your LinkedIn Profile. In this advanced workshop we will share feedback and keywords. We will share profiles and expand the body of your LinkedIn Profile. Each participant should have a basic profile they are willing to share. This workshop will be discussion based with…
Virtual Career Development Workshop ~ Leadership Alliance National Symposium
Join the Leadership Alliance for a National Virtual Career Development Workshop on July 25. To Register with password - ASPS3_2020. For more information and agenda. The LANS Career Development Workshop is an opportunity for graduate students and postdocs to learn more about potential career paths, build their professional network, and apply practical advice to the…
Job Search Virtual Monthly Chat
ZoomWe are entering month 5 of working remotely with some labs gradually reopening. Everything has changed a lot, especially on the job front. The Job Search Virtual Monthly Chat is designed to get job seekers together to talk about concerns that graduate students and postdocs share, and strategize about how to move forward. Each session…
Interviewing 101 – The Lingo, The Process and The Options
ZoomJoin us to explore the fundamentals of interviewing in industry (government, NGO, think tanks, for profits.) This workshop will present an overview of interviews, types of interviews you may encounter and advice on how to articulate your research and PhD work into professional experience. To Register A zoom link will be sent to all registrants…
How to Turn Your Research Into an Elevator Pitch (And What’s an Elevator Pitch?)
ZoomJoin this workshop to learn tips and discuss how to succinctly sum up your research for multiple audiences, practice your pitch in small groups, and capture phrasing for different audiences.
Eli Lilly is recruiting
Interested in an industry career? Eli Lilly will hold an info session August 6 at noon Open to all doctoral students and postdocs! Hear a brief corporate overview of Eli Lilly and Company’s vision and values, locations, therapeutic areas of interest, and approved medicines. Presenters Renato Bauer, a Cornell Chemical Biology Interface Program alumnus and Gaying Zhao…
How to Approach Professionals in Industry
ZoomNetworking starts with simple connections. Who do you know in industry – not the hiring manager but a former classmate or Cornell alum. This workshop will explore how you can find professional allies, steps to ask for a conversation and tips to utilize connections. To Register A zoom link will be sent to all registrants…
International Student / Postdoc Job Search Discussion
ZoomThis is the last Job Search Virtual Monthly Chat specific to international student issues for the summer. Things are moving a lot on the job search side as well as the immigration side. The Job Search Virtual Monthly Chat is designed to get job seekers together to talk about concerns that graduate students and postdocs…